Hi and welcome to the Monkey and Sofia Blog.
This is where we share our ideas for living a simpler life and it is our sort of showroom for the books we publish and the things we make.
We produce books which reflect our choice of life. Currently there are three publications available: My Kind Of Life about self sufficiency, the cookbook for vegetarian seasonal cooking and the knitting book with patterns for both the new and experienced knitter.
Each autumn we produce the Monkey and Sofia Mail Order Catalogue. (Check out the images below for this years stuff)
Part of our simple life is about being creative, making beautiful things, using readily available materials and we want to encourage others to do the same.
The fairest trade of all is to make something and give it.
If you'd like to talk to us about our ideas, tell us about yours or just request your own copy of the catalogue please do email us:
monkeyand sofia@yahoo.co.uk