I've been waiting for the right moment to make something from this lovely stuff because It's been tucked away in store while we were away in Canada.
It came my way from a Dutch weaver, Helena Loermans (click here), who lives in Odemira, Portugal where we used to live. She makes lovely lengths of fabric in beautiful colours and in yarns of wonderful quality, so these little animals are rather exclusive, especially since once the scraps have run out, I'll have to wait for Helena to make more things before more lovely bits head my way.
Meanwhile, I´ll be knitting as usual, having just indulged myself with a new cardigan I am now making up for lost time by knitting cats and mice ready for the summer festivals. It's weird, however many times I knit Monkeys or Sofias I still enjoy each one and its own special character, maybe its a Zen thing! Perhaps I should write a new book, Zen and the art of knitting cats!